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What Science will I teach, when I have 3 different Key Stage 3 Year groups in the same class, all with different amounts of prior learning of the subject I had planned to teach?

Last year, we invested in this very question, problem solving as a team, drawing on support of the Hubs and external experts, as well as on our own in house experts and Science Lead for some joined up problem solving.

The result is our Trust wide Science Benchmark Curriculum. And initial findings are positive鈥t鈥檚 enabling team work and sharing of approaches, resources and assessment practices in our behaviour APA.

In Alternative Provision, we are review our curriculum provision regularly. In part, the transient nature of our pupil population necessitates this, as new groups form mid term, and classes in are not always year group defined.
This is the joy and craft of teaching in our sector. And ironically, the reason why having vision and clarity of the core subject intent matter so much. We are often long term planning for the unplannable.

Having a coherent, aspirational and planned subject offer is a non negotiable for us at WAVE Trust.
Because having a plan means you can deviate from a plan with confidence and reason.

Plans do not kill creativity, but encourage it.

Know your intent. Flex to reach it.

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